6-Minute Tour of ITAM & Service Desk Solution

VIZOR’s 6-minute tour is just a sneak peek at what the comprehensible IT solution can do. Explore the IT Asset Management, Software Asset Management and Service Desk Modules here. If you have more questions, however, schedule a 25-minute demo with one of our product specialists. We would be happy to help you determine if VIZOR is right for you.


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Example of Customer Satisfaction Survey – Infographic

5 Ways IT Should Start The Year – Infographic

10 Steps To Pick The Ideal ITAM Solution – Infographic

8 Ways To Help Finalize Your IT Projects – Infographic


Vizor checked all the boxes and provided functionality we hadn’t considered possible.”

TC Kaylor IT Support Manager – Otterbein Homes

Our processes are now simplified and we can better help students, teachers, and staff.”

Charles Smith IT Help Desk Manager – University of Mary

It does exactly what we require… It is simple to use and roll-out.”

Colin Hayward System Manager – The Advertising Standards Authority

3 Benefits of Software Asset Management – Infographic